E-cards or traditional cards?

How do you like your card?
You just opened your email and there it is just waiting for you to click on OR it came in the post today and there it sits on the counter waiting for you to open.
Which do you prefer? The electronic card or the traditional, rip open the envelope, kind of card?
There are some hilarious e-cards out there. You’ve all seen them floating around in hyper space. Maybe your facebook friends post them, or maybe you have been sent one. Take my new blogger friend, Stephanie, who chose to track her day in e-cards in a recent post on her blog The Mom in Black. I started laughing more than once when I read through the cards she chose from someecards. You need to go and read these. Too funny!
Of course there are many sites that invite you to create your own e-greeting cards. They allow for customization, creativity, simplicity, music, cool graphics, are eco-friendly and can be done without leaving the comfort of your home or office. This works especially well when you are late on remembering that special occasion and a card by mail won’t make it on time. No worries, just send an electronic version and call it a day.
Writing in clouds.
A company that I am very intrigued by ‘rite’ now is Lettrs. I think they are on to something. The concept is very cool. You can digitally deliver your hand-written letter via a cloud platform. Take a listen.
Lazy or Efficient. You Decide.
I am a die-hard traditional kind of card gal. In fact, I go as far as to call them ‘real cards.’ I don’t do e-cards.
I get the whole simplicity of the e-card, I really do, but for me it still smacks of the easy way out with a sprinkling of less than personal. Really, you couldn’t have sat down and just penned me a few words? I don’t care that it is late. Better late than never as they say.
What really gets my ticker going is when I am on the receiving end of a mass email card. Seriously. And then, someone chooses to ‘reply all.’ I have been known to rant about such misplaced etiquette.
Yes, I realize that my position may be one of controversy. But I just had to get that out there. I needed to be authentic you know. Real, with you, the reader.
So, to all those I might have offended, please post a comment. Perhaps you can convince me that I am misguided on this one.
What is better? E-cards or traditional? Come on, if I can go out on a limb, surely you can too.
P.S. If you made it to the end of this post, I not only thank you, but congratulate you! It would seem I had much to say on this topic. 🙂
What your post really made me think about is my BFF who sends me paper cards every so often…and the fact that they must be important to her…and the fact that I don’t send them to her…and the fact that I kinda suck, since I don’t! I’ll have to step it up! Happy SITS day!
Your comment made me laugh Jean! My guess is that your bestie loves sending paper cards just for the sake of sending to you. Thanks for your visit.
This is so thought provoking. I have never really thought about how impersonal email delivered cards can be. I have always remained true to the old fashioned card by mail for birthdays and special occasions but I’ve fallen short on the Thinking of You type. You’re right, it only takes a moment.
Hey there Tiffany, nice to see you and thanks for your visit. The trick if making that moment happen isn’t it? At least that is what I was always grapple with. Here’s to making the time!
I love traditional cards, I make them myself, I love to work with paper. However old fashioned it may be, I love it 🙂
Hello Yana, thanks for taking the time to stop by my blog. Lovely to hear you are a bit of a paper gal yourself. I would love to see some of your cards. Feel free to send me a couple of pics.
You my lady ROCK! I LOVE IT as I love sending personal letters and I know how very special I feel when someone has taken time, not clicks to send me a personal card or write me a letter.
In fact, I have found that when I do it, people always reciprocate. Now, that is “good stuff!”
Bookmarking your blog!
“Time not clicks” I love this Yulunda! Thank you for being so very excited to find my corner of the blogging world. I’m grateful and honored. I look forward to seeing you again, real soon.
I’m a sucker for traditional cards!
Me too Tonya! Me too.
Hi, visiting you via The SITS Girls. I love cards myself (I’m a crocheter and scrapbooker) and can attest that one can easily become a hoarder of beautiful stationery! Wish you the best with your blog.
Hi there, I bet you have the best stash of yarn and paper around!Thanks for your well wishes.
I like them both, because at least some one sent me something. But I agree, knowing that someone put pen to paper and got a stamp and sent it makes me feel extra special, like I was worth the effort.
Hi there Lynne, You are right that getting some thing is better than getting nothing, but a paper letter just melts my heart a little more too. Nice of you to visit. hope to see you again soon.
I love writing and sending physical cards. I keep them and when I’m old and gray, I plan to read them over and over again. Ecards are cute, but not the same. Visiting from the SITS girls.
Hello there Wilma, a letter loving gal after my own heart. Thanks for taking the time to visit me on my SITS day. I am so grateful. Keep writing and I’m sure your days of turning gray are many, many years from now!
I’m going to call myself out here. I much prefer a physical card, but I always forget to send them myself. I am trying to be better about it. I’m thinking I might make a list of birthdays by month and do a once a month trip to the card shop.
Rabia, your idea to yourself sounds like a fool proof one. that way you won’t have to worry about missing anyone’s big day. When I forget, I just get my kids to whip up some creative card and send it. Even if it is real late I still always send it.
I do appreciate hand written cards however I do not like the stress that comes with feeling like I have to write by hand. Does that sound like a cop out? Sometimes an email thank you for example is much easier than having another chore hanging over your head. But I love getting snail mail! Well written article! I enjoyed it.
Not a cop out at all Danah. It is true. It takes time to write by hand. Not to mention hand cramps! ha. Any kind of thank you is better than no thank you to be sure. I think what i love about snail mail is that it forces me to take time out from the hustle and bustle and slow down. This is good for my soul. Do I do it every day? No, this would be crazy. Just when I can. Or when I should. Thanks for your visit.
I stopped opening e-cards after I clicked on a phony card and infected my computer at work. At Christmas we didn’t get our company President’s holiday e-card because it was stuck in spam. Written cards are the way to go. Congratulations on your SITS Day.
Wow, those are a couple of e-card stories gone bad! Hands down written cards would never give you a virus. Never thought of this happening. I bet your President wasn’t impressed. I appreciate your visit.
I really believe both are fun and worthy of using… the personal hand written notes/card are so important for our loved ones and close friends. On the flip side, the ecard and funny stuff on line, is just for that- on line friend that would appreciate those types of cards. Make sense?
Thanks for sharing your view! LOVED IT!
There is definitely something much more personal in writing a card over sending one electronically. That extra effort means something, I think. I’m not a fan of the mass email either!
I also am a die hard ‘real card’ fan. I appreciate though when someone has thought of me and tells me in any way they saw fit whether it’s traditional mail, email, text, etc. I still love reading a paper version of a book and still love writing on stationary. Happy SITS Day!
I am a “real-card” lady too! My peeve is Christmas cards. We go through the effort of creating a family photo card every year. I write in each card. I address each card and mail them. There are some people who don’t send one back or some people who just send an ecard (en mass as you described). I think I prefer to get nothing over the mass e-mail card. Seriously. Christmas greetings should not be opened up on the computer.
If I have a sentiment (thank you, think of you, etc.) I like to mail it. I think (in my opinion) it feels much more sincere to the recipient than an email.
I’ve rambled. If you’ve made it to the end of this comment, then I guess that means we’re destined to be blogging friends. Happy SITS Day!
Hmmmm.. to e card or snail mail card? That is a good question. I think both are nice, but -yeah…there is something about getting a real card that gives you warm fuzzies. Maybe it is that postage is so high -it is nice someone thought enough to pay the fifty cents. 🙂 LOL!
Of course, a traditional card is always nice to receive, but really, if I receive a personal e-card, I get the same feeling of happiness as if I received it in the mail: someone was thinking of me 🙂
Hey Glenda, I think you hit on the key to any type of card – that it be personal! Thanks for stopping by.
what a brilliant idea! that should be very handy for Christmas! Thanks for sharing your idea at the Fluster Buster Party! would be trying this craft for sure!, Lizy party co host
I loved it too Lizy! A creative force over there at delishmish.com And, you’re right, it would be very handy at Christmas. I see it painted white?? Thanks for dropping in to say hello.
I’m all for the old school card by snail mail. I love getting them, and I love sending them.
Hey there Jessica, nice to meet a kindred spirit in the snail mail world! Hope you enjoy the blog and more importantly, let’s keep sending cards. 🙂 Thanks for visiting.
Real cards for things like birthdays and anniversaries, but a funny e-card is great for a “just because” message. I keep all the cards my family has given me over the years – I love having those memories!
Love that you keep all the cards you have been given by your family Dana! Do you ‘upcycle’ them in any way – frame them, bookmarks, collage or perhaps just a lovely box full of treasures. Thanks for popping by and leaving a ‘hello.’
I enjoy both, honestly! There is nothing better than an old-fashioned, come in the mail card, but ecards also crack me up! I would say both. Is that a choice? ;)-Ashley
Good to have you over for a visit Ashley. Of course that ‘both’ is an option! Some of those e-cards crack me up too and not much is better than a good hearty, from the stomach, kind of laugh! Have a great day.
I love writing hand written thank you notes and cards! It’s not only more personal, it’s a great excuse to buy adorable stationary! Thanks so much for linking with us for wine’d down Wednesday!
Hi Michelle, I’m with you on the more personal touch of handwritten thank you notes and cards. Nothing like having something tangible in your hand from a friend. Thanks for hosting a great party.
Real cards! I love opening envelopes. Admittedly there are some hilarious e-cards and I appreciate that someone thought of me either way.
Shelley, what a great point you make that in any form of card it means someone was thinking of you. that is so true. the e-cards from someecards do make me laugh out loud! clever writers behind the them I would say. thanks for stopping in and sharing.
I will post birthday wishes on someones FB page AND send them a card through snail mail. I love real cards. I have a stash of them for every occasion, picking them up as I see good ones. I’m usually not so paranoid but I have heard of people getting computer viruses from opening what looks like a e-greeting card so I’m wary.
We host an annual wine tasting party and, for the first time ever, I went the Evite route rather than mailing invitations. First of all, some of the Evites went to spam so I had to track down some RSVPs and honestly I don’t think it saved me any time, money yes but not time. I’m definitely going back to my “old school” ways next year.
Love the combination approach Mo. good thinking. interesting point too about potential for viruses from e-cards. I too have tried out the e-vites option and found the same to be true. I still had to follow up with people and deal with changed or old email addresses. Time is worth more than money. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this topic.
I always send “real” cards. But occasionally send an additional e card too. I love getting a card in the mail. I think others do too. Great post xo
Hi Katherine, Glad you liked the post. Feel free to share it as I would love to get a ‘pulse’ on this topic. Nothing beats a ‘real’ card does it! 🙂 Someone mentioned on my my FB page that they do a combination. Send the traditional card and then follow it up with an e-card. Best of both I guess.
Totally with you Barb! I love to get a birthday or Christmas card in the mail…it’s so much more special. Every Christmas my Uncle sends out a mass Christmas ‘e-card’, ie. a few sentences he’s typed in a different font in red and green. He doesn’t Bcc the email addresses, so we all get to see the gigantic lot of people we’re lumped in with.
Um, thanks? Yes, this has become my yearly Christmas pet peeve 🙂 Then of course, the opposite… to receive in the mail a thoughtful card, with a personal hand written note…Lovely. Makes my day!
Too funny about the red and green email from your Uncle! I guess he is trying to be festive. Thanks for sharing your ‘vote’ on the topic. So far votes for ‘real’ cards are in the lead.
While I really appreciate the opportunities technology gives us to send quick notes of friendship, concern, etc., and I love to get birthday greetings from all my Facebook friends, I definitely prefer to receive, and to send, a “real” card over an e-card. It is much more personal – the person who sends it has actually put something of themselves into it – they have physically touched the card, held the pen that wrote on it …it isn’t just the thought that counts, it is also the effort that you had to put into bringing the thought to life 🙂
Hi Jeanette, I too love the bday greetings on FB, makes the day just a bit brighter. I love what you said about the ‘effort bringing the thought to life.’ Indeed! Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
While I am an “e” kind of gal…I do LOVE to open a real card AND send real cards! It just doesn’t happen enough anymore.
Why hello there ‘e-gal!’ So nice of you to stop in and visit. I love it too! Have a great day.
Hey Stephanie, thanks again for allowing me to share your most hilarious e-card day! loved that. Chat soon.