Birthday swag…just for you
This month marks the 4 year mark for ritewhileucan. Crazy! I am celebrating today with an opportunity for you to get some beautiful Birthday swag.
I’m not the only one celebrating a milestone birthday. The beautiful paper shop Wrinkle and Crease is all grown up and turning 1 year old this month too. The very talented Kayley, a self described chronic list taker and lover of greeting cards and paper, took the plunge last year to pursue her passion and created a line of paper products that will inspire you.
A chance to win a loot bag
Kayley and I have partnered to host a wee Birthday Bash and we are glad you’ve come. There is even a chance for you to win a sweet ‘loot bag’ chalk full of paper goods from Wrinkle and Crease.
Birthdays happen whether we want them to or not. Do you remember when you turned 10, and moved into the realm of double digits? Did you have dreams of all the things you would do when you grew up?
Well, no matter your age now, we still have dreams and the trick to aging is to never give up on our dreams. This adorable notepad above can help make your dreams become a reality; ’cause they only become real once you write them down.
Scribble it down; capture the inspiration on paper.
An incredible journey it has been, these four years on the blog and I’m so very grateful to you. Grateful that you have taken a few moments of your precious time to join me as I write about my passion for the lost art of letter writing, stationery and all things paper.
Many people often marvel at how I keep coming up with ideas on what to share and write about on the blog.* Truth be told, it’s not all glam.
Some days it can be hard slogging. One thing I’ve discovered is that inspiration can hit at the strangest times. To make sure I capture the thought at that very moment, I like to have a notepad close by. This delightful ‘Kitchen Counter Scribbles,’ pictured above, would do the trick nicely.
How do I enter for a chance to win some Birthday swag?
This monthly planner above, along with all the paper goods shown in today’s post, is part of the loot bag up for grabs. I have the weekly version by Wrinkle and Crease which I am really looking forward to putting to use. I just love the kraft paper design.
In reality, I would be scribbling away no matter if no-one was reading, but no doubt about it, it’s way more fun to have you joining me each week and inspiring me to continue introducing people to the charm of snail mail.
Happy Birthday Wrinkle and Crease and thank you so much for your generous gift of some Birthday swag to one lucky winner!
* Should you be interested in a ‘behind-the-scenes’ look into my daily blogging activity I will be posting daily photos next week on Instagram.
Happy Birthday Wrinkle and Crease! Your products look beautiful and I’d love to try them out to give me a great excuse to practice my hand-writing!!
I adore the simplicity of that birthday card!
I like the padded weekly planner pages; they would be a really useful tool to me.
Congratulations, Barbara! I am so glad I found your blog. The information and challenges have been fun. Last year I kept a log of my snail mail and while I fell behind, I am encouraged to “catch up” this year with the April challenge – I’m making note cards to get ready!
Hi there Elaine, Thanks so much for participating in the recent blog giveaway. I wish I was able to give to all. I love that you kept a log of your snail mailing efforts. I haven’t done this before, but sure do love the concept. Perhaps fodder for a blog post?? If you are interested pls send me a quick email, would love to hear more.
Happy Blog Birthday! 2016 is the year I’m getting better organized, so Wrinkle and Crease products would help with that.
Thanks so much Elizabeth. Time sure does past fast when you are having fun. Thanks for participating in the giveaway. All the best on getting organized. Seems I need to do this on a weekly basis. 🙂
happy birthday – it’s pisces season! take care and be well! hope you can celebrate just the way you like!
Thanks for your kind wishes Allison. Hope you have a lovely Easter weekend ahead.
O wait, I had to mention how I’d make use of the paper goodies… Need you really ask? I’d devour them!! LOL For one, as a paperphile I always make to-do lists; don’t we all? 😀
Has it been 4 yrs already???? Wow, congrats! And thank you for your papergasm goodies giveaway :)) I love how you started organising LWS meetings and had so much fun reading your post of the first one; afraid no one would turn up but it was a success!
You are so encouraging! Thank you. Do you know, that at every LWS I still get that ‘nervous’ feeling? Not a bad thing maybe, keeps me humble. Me and my typewriters. So appreciate you following along here. p.s. love your comment on how you would use the paper goodies. Made me smile real big.
Congratulations, Barbara! My blog is almost 5 years old (in May). So yours and mine could play together in the playground… 😀
Playdate? 🙂
What a milestone! Yes, I’m one of those who marvel at the fact that you come up with such interesting blog subjects, week after week after week!!! Thanks so much – keep it coming!
Thanks Mom. You are my biggest fan! 😉
Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is something so pleasurable about paper and physically writing on it. Capturing the magic of this and reminding us to appreciate it is a gift to us all! Thanks Barb!
Appreciate your support Beth. xoxxox
Happy Birthday to your blog! It’s always a pleasure to find a blog update note in my inbox, and then to pull out paper and pen to make connections. Having specially designed paper – a real plus! Thanks for all you do.
Hi there Dianne, Thank you for your kind words. I so appreciate you following along with me and my ramblings. If ever you have suggestions/ideas, don’t hesitate to be in touch. Love that you are making that paper to pen connection.
Happy Happy Birthday…….is it *your* birthday? Or the blog’s birthday? Either way – cause for celebration! I love Kraft paper paper (redundancy intentional 🙂 ) too. Well, really, I love any kind of paper and I really don’t *need* any more, but I certainly won’t turn down paper gifts! I’m happy to have found you and your blog and love seeing what you have to say and show regarding paper.
Hello there Melanie, It is the blog’s birthday…time has just whipped by. I too love that Kraft paper options Wrinkle and Crease have created. I’m right with you on the ‘need’ vs ‘want’ ….can we say addiction? Have a lovely day.
Happy Birthday Barb! You always inspire me!
The monthly planner would help me get organized again. I used to be much more organized and I also used to do more planning.
HaPpY BiRtHdAy – great job on this being your 4th year. Wishing you all the best and many more years. Take care, Annette
Congratulations Barb! This is my birthday month too!!
I love the idea of kitchen counter scribblings!