The short answer? Mail it now.
Normally Canada Post has deadlines for sending holiday mail internationally or to the USA, and if mailed by these dates Canada Post guarantees delivery before Christmas.
Not this year.

Stamps by Nova Scotia artist Maude Lewis
That being said, the absolutely amazing thing for your Christmas mail this year are these Canada Post holiday stamps with art work by Maud Lewis.
I just adore these stamps. After I watched the film “Maudie” starring Ethan Hawke and Sally Hawkins I became obsessed with Maud Lewis and her story. Have you watched it?

Avoid the obligatory Christmas card syndrome
I’ve always been so late on sending my Christmas correspondence overseas but I’m pleased to tell you that I sent them this week.
Sometimes sending cards can turn into more of a chore than a joy-filled activity. Check out this post I wrote awhile back for ideas on how to avoid the obligatory Christmas card syndrome.

Covid is reason enough to send Christmas cards
If ever there was a year to send Christmas cards this is it. We all need some cheer and something to look forward to. I know nothing better than the anticipation I feel when I walk to the mail box during the month of December.
Who else is with me?
p.s. You can order the Maud Lewis Christmas stamps here.
Love the cows! I’m not as thrilled with the US holiday stamps this year but fortunately have some “Forever ” stamps left from last year! But wish I could use the Canadian cows.
Aren’t those cows something?! I believe they are oxen (traditional farm animal in Nova Scotia, or so my Dad tells me who grew up very clsoe to the artist, Maud Lewis’s home) with yokes plowing. Just so beautiful.
Those stamps are wonderful! Just looking at them makes me feel a little Christmas-y!”
Jen, I feel the same way! Now I just need some snow…there was so much here in Fall, but now most of it has melted.