So, it is highly probable that you might think that I am a little crazed over letter writing, stationery, and other such similar things. In fact, you may have wondered, “Is she seriously going to devote a whole blog to this topic?” Well, I am only a little fish in a big pond as they say. Believe it or not there are actually those out there that are more crazed over this stuff then even me! No joke. Take the topic of fonts. Or pens. Either will do to illustrate the craziness out there—said with the utmost fondness.
Some of you may have seen this beautiful card I received last week as I shared it on Twitter All this time I have been thinking on it. Letting it percolate you might say. Why, you ask? Because the content, from one of you dear readers, was thought provoking.
To be truthful, I have never given much thought to the type of pen or colour of ink I use when writing a letter. I usually grab whatever is nearby (pens seems to have “legs” in my house, not sure where they all, go just when I need them) and begin. However, I now have a deeper appreciation for how others put great thought into fonts, colours, pens when writing a letter. Here is another great quote from the card, “I think that the ink should be black for writing this card. My next choice would be sienna/brown then dark purple. The blue ink from Pilot is reserved for my journal. On occasion, I use blue for thank you cards ” —notice the blue font here.
I love the sounds of sienna or dark purple. Must give this a try. Thank you dear reader for inspiring us to reach beyond the norm and add some colour to our letters!
P.S Tip of the week: The next time you want to give your significant other a hint about a gift, just blog about it! Last week I also received a package. In it was one of the items I featured in a recent post The Land of Oz any guesses?