So the birthday is over for one more year. Lovely as it was life’s routine has taken on it’s ebb and flow once more. I am thankful for that. Each year is a blessing. But what to do with the beautiful cards?
I fear that I exhibit a bit of a hoarding twitch when it comes to cards. It pains me to throw them away. So I decided to do a bit of sleuthing. And, of course dear readers, to share my findings with you!
There are some very cool ideas out there. Two that I tried out were 1) using the portion of the card not written on as a postcard and 2) cutting them into gift tags. I have done this at Christmas time but never throughout the year. No idea why.
Click here for some more great ideas including donating your cards to a local kids camp for crafts! Brilliant.
1) Voilà! And now it is a postcard.
2) These gift tags are adorable, if I do say so myself!
For another idea, which if you are getting married this summer you need to see, is a completely unique approach to saving your wedding cards. Hop on over to my Tips and Ideas page and give it a look. Consider making one for the bride you know this summer.
P.S. Sure hope no-one is offended that I have taken the scissors to their cards!