Welcome! Thanks for taking the time to learn a little bit more about me and the blog.
My hope is that this blog will fuel a desire to connect with people through the writing of a letter, a note, or postcard.
Most weeks I will post on Saturdays for your weekend read. Be sure to check it out for behind-the-scenes info and sweet deals on my favorite stationery and papery stuff.
As much as I love the analog world I also enjoy the ‘social’ part of social media. You will find me on Facebook or Instagram.
Ritewhileucan stationery

Random Tidbits about Barb
Rather than write the traditional bio, I will instead share some weird and wonderful facts about myself in the hopes that this will allow you to get to know me better.
1) This blog took shape in March of 2013. It came about as a result of moving across the country and writing letters back and forth with family and friends. That, and the fact that I am a stationery freak (and have my own stationery line).
2) Granny Smith apples cut up and dipped in peanut butter are one of my favorite snacks. Of course, if given a box ofPurdy’s sea salt caramel dark chocolate chocolates, I am quite capable of scarfing them down before anyone is the wiser!
3) I founded a non-profit called MakeItMerry that was all about sending Christmas cards to the homeless. Although this project in officially closed, it will always be close to my heart.
4) My professional background is in the field of Human Resources.
5) I do my best thinking and praying while exercising. You should try it. The time just flies!
6) There are three people in my life that are no longer little – the oldest is 26, then 23 and 18
7) A pet peeve of mine is the misspelling of the word stationery. What I use to write letters is always with an ‘e’ whereas when I’m sitting still, I’m stationary with an ‘a.’
8) Letter writing and hiking are two passions of mine.
9) And let’s not forget the crazy curly hair. I had to come to terms with that in Gr. 6!
10) Tea all day long, never coffee.
And so there you have it. Random tidbits indeed!
Disclosure Policy
This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, or other forms of compensation, including, but not limited to, free products and services. I always give my honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences in my reviews. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.