This is me. Or I like to think it is. I could stare at this amazing collage found at Curtner Art forever. Every time I look at it I examine it closely. Seriously, I just finished turning my computer screen upside down to read it from a different perspective. Call me crazy. Here are the words/phrases […]
Maze craze
Do you ever feel like you are in a maze? Options Yeah, me too. A single solitary day can some times feel like a maze. If only we could run like crazy inside this amazing paper maze. Sort of like a training ground for the uncertainties of life. Work out the kinks. Try one way, […]
Traveling typewriter
Have typewriter. Will travel. This should be Claire’s motto. This fascinating gal (hope you don’t mind me calling you ‘gal’ Claire) that I recently met on my travels is the brains behind a very cool, organic project in Banff, Alberta,Canada. Welcome to the Banff Snail Mail Society! Clickety-clack-ding-zippppppp You may remember in a recent post […]
One eyed villain. Ghouls and Candy Halloween has snuck up on me. It usually does. Just the other day the kids asked me why don’t we decorate our home for the 31st. If truth be told I am more about Fall than Halloween itself. Although I appreciate the time some folks put into decorating their […]