It’s no secret that books love me. Magical Paper Books just have a way of finding me and not letting me walk away without them. I fear I am turning into a book hoarder. Yes, I am an avid patron of my local library, but there is something about owning a book. Especially children’s books. […]
Time Capsule
Tick-tock Clocks have a funny way of haunting me. It’s like that nefarious horror scene in the movies where the gongs are ringing, the tick-tock sounds are magnified and soon the main character is shuffled off to the insane asylum. Clocks can illuminate the passing of time for us, can’t they? Have you made a […]
Pump out the volume
“You will be fierce. You will fearless. And you will make work you know in your heart is not as good as you want it to be.” Ira Glass Not the ordinary When I listened to this short video clip, by Ira Glass, I was completely captivated by the literal words dancing across the screen. […]
Storm watch
It is too easy to be thankful for all the good stuff. You know what I mean. Most of us start with family, food, kids, throw in our health and friends and then move on to the turkey and cranberries. What would happen if we flipped that list on it’s head? Let’s think about events, […]