I so want to keep a journal. Consistently. I wish I could. I start them. In fact, I have several journals around the house. Some in peculiar places. Like the time I found one in the toy box. Or the kitchen drawer. A few can be found in the bedside table. I wouldn’t be surprised if […]
Sugar stains and grease marks.
Hard to read measurements. Disappearing directions. Scrawled cursive writing. Faded, yellowing, paper. All these things I absolutely love about my “Grammie’s” recipes. These handwritten treasures are a link to her for me. Doesn’t it work that way with things handwritten. Dusting off or finding anything that was written in the past can evoke all sorts of memories. It surprises me […]
Thank you. Merci. Gracias. Dankeschön.
In whatever language, expressing our thanks is but one of many polite-isms we hopefully use with great frequency. There is a difference between the heartfelt, look you in the eye kind of thank you and the one the teacher does their best to extrapolate from their student. And isn’t it a great feeling when you hear your kiddie, […]
“A” as red, “B” as orange, and “C” as…
… yellow. This is how people with synesthesia see these letters. A recent Globe and Mail article by Wency Leung describes how about 5% of the population has this genetic condition. People with synesthesia (synesthetes) see sounds and experience colour when reading printed letters and numbers. Some people hear colors, feel sounds and taste shapes. A page […]