Salvage hunter sisters How about that blue beauty?! I am now the proud owner of this Olivetti typewriter. And I’m completely smitten. I have Heather and Lori Oliphant, the sleuthing sisters who search out all things old and forgotten, to thank for my new found crush. They are the force behind art of vintage, a […]
Why Penmanship matters.
“Chicken scratch or not…we need to write.” I thought I would share this for when you have a few moments, holed away from the busyness of weekend activities, to enjoy. Jake Weidmann, a Master Penman, shares his thoughts on why penmanship matters in our digital age. Did I mention he makes his own pens? […]
Snail Mail Café…needs a home.
Sarah inspired me. Have you ever ran into someone, maybe even for 20 seconds in a coffee shop, and come away with a myriad of new ideas? If so, you get me. I love when this happens. And, although this time round, it happened via Skype, Sarah and I were instant snail mail soul mates. […]
Positive Post-it Day – October 5th, 2015
Let’s face it, Post-It notes are addictive. There are a ton of uses for them, but none better than how Caitlin Prater-Haacke, of Alberta, Canada, uses them to spread a whole lot of positive. Have a listen. Kill them with kindness This moved my heart to hear and watch of this high school student’s personal […]