I’m feeling it right now. The pressure. Tick-tock, goes the Christmas clock. the original pop up shop I thought I would try to save us all some time and share some easy options to wrapping all the gifts. Craft paper is always my go-to wrapping option. You can find it in some dollar stores and […]
Christmas mail during war times
Christmas mail evokes all the images of Christmas at home Imagine fighting a war on Christmas day. The one day, of all days, that should be peaceful. The reality is, my imagination can’t do justice to the experiences of those who would have found themselves in this situation. But, what I can imagine, is how […]
I just met Scrooge! True story.
The street sign said I could park there. I checked it twice. And so, on a Saturday morning about one month ago, after dropping my eldest off at work, I turned the engine off and got out. Image courtesy of Public Domain Images Now, keep in mind this was mid November in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, […]
8 ways to display your Christmas cards
I received my first Christmas card last week! minted blog You got some Christmas cards, now what? I love going to the mail box at this time of year in anticipation of all the cards. But, then, what to do with them? I wanted to share with you some of my favorite ideas on the […]