Back-to-school fever is upon us. Even though I’m way past my (formal) student days, I will forever love this time of year. The pens, the crisp pages of a notebook full of so much potential, pencil cases, erasers, all of it.

Back-to-school sale at Recess shop in Calgary
A favorite shop of mine in Calgary (soon to have their wares on-line) is Recess. Even the name is freak’n amazing.
Right now there is a sale on for all you amazing teachers out there and then, starting tomorrow, August 23rd, the sale is extended to the public.

A little work. A lot of play.
This store is a dangerous place for me. And I dare say for anyone who geeks out over beautiful, unique stationery products as much as me. That’s why when there is a sale I’m all over it.

Check out the workshops at Recess
Last Christmas I took the typewriters and hosted a ‘Letters to Santa’ workshop at Recess. It was magical. Do check out the workshops offered at Recess, you won’t be disappointed.

What is your favorite thing about back-to-school?
Maybe it is the excuse to get yourself a new pen? Or perhaps it is the fact that you will have your routine back with the kiddies out the door?
As for me? It is all about the stationery supplies.