#FanFeb…send a letter to someone you admire
I’ve never sent any fan mail, I know, seems hard to believe, given my affinity for letter writing, but now with #FanFeb happening, I just might get a chance.
Last year, Laura over at hollywood housewife started a fun initiative where she sent out fan mail during the month of February to her favorite artist or author and told them how much their work meant to her. But not only that, she sent letters to past teachers, mentors, anyone who had a significant impact on her life.
Become a groupie for someone you actually know
I completely love this idea! Why not take a moment to be a ‘fan’ of someone we actually know and value?
Someone that maybe we take for granted or, perhaps like Laura is suggesting for this year, a random stranger. Imagine the look of surprise and delight when the grocery clerk gets a wee card from you thanking them for all they do each day.
Here is an eclectic group of people, famous and not so famous, that I would love to send a fan letter to:
Bono of U2 (musician/activist)
My friend Kathleen
Elena Ferrante (author)
Henri Nouwen (sadly no longer possible as this Dutch Catholic Priest passed away in 1996)
Roberta Bondar (Canada’s first female astronaut)
Eileen, my favorite barista at my local coffee shop
I meant “in my whole life”
I like your post, because this year I’ve planned to send, at least, 12 fan letters. I have sent the first to an author whose book I really enjoyed. Not my very first, but I had sent just a piece of fan mail in my whoe year. It was to a French novelist, and she answered with a kind letter.
It would be quite difficult to send aletter to Elena Ferrante, wouldn’t it? Nobody knows who (s)he is!
I know, isn’t that crazy about Elena Ferrante? Certainly adds to the mystery and intrigue, doesn’t it. I love that the author you wrote to actually wrote back. Very cool.