Over 100 people signed up to participate in the latest BookLoverPostcardSwap. Countries represented included Canada, UK, Spain, USA, Italy, Ireland to name a few.
I thought you might like to see a sampling of some of the amazing postcards and book recommendations that got swapped.
Above, Kelly @thehappiestbookclub received this postcard, custom made just for her, by Stesha @ilikeshortchapters. Talk about two powerhouse booklovers!

Hand crafted postcards
This postcard was created by Mia @mia.massicotte and sent to Erin @wellnesswanderyeg. See what postcard Erin sent a couple of postcards below. I love that so many, including Mia, crafted their own postcards. Something about book spines that are so beautiful.

postcards with book recommendations
Christy @paperhideaway received and snapped a pic of this postcard (above) sent to her from Margaret @m_landis27. Makes you want to curl up in a corner and read. Any other Pride and Prejudice fans out there?

favorite books
Ronald Dahl’s books are classics indeed. This postcard about was sent by Kelly to Stesha. Do you have a favorite RD book? Mine would have to be James and the Giant Peach.

follow #bookloverpostcardswap
Thanks to all who participated and who used the hashtag #bookloverpostcardswap like Addie @addiejoannebird who sent this postcard to Trina @seaviewpownal. What a lovely pic by Trina with what looks like an ink well.

So aptly standing amongst all the books, is the postcard Erin send to Mia. Don’t you just love books and mail? Me too.