I love book stores. Allow me to introduce you to the next page, the newest kid on the book scene here in Calgary. That piano installation is downright amazing and a beacon for those who want to take a turn at the keys.

On the weekend these chairs are rarely empty. From the street view books and readers are on center stage.

And that mail slot!

The wood floors creek a friendly welcome, the vintage tin ceiling is stunning and a charming ladder is needed to reach books high above the floor.

Plan a coffee date with yourself and get a head start on reading the book that found you. Did I mention that you pay for your latte based on what you feel you can? This is how the next page rolls.
There would be very little left for a latte after a visit to this shop! I just spied the next book by Peter Wohlleben that i want to read – The Secret Wisdom of Nature. Are you familiar with his books? I think you would enjoy them, Barb.
Hi there Elaine, I feel the same way and I could spend sooooo much time in this store. Plus, those chairs! I am not familiar with this author but I will have to investigate now for sure. How funny that that book was in the picture. Thanks for suggesting.