Do you have cabin fever? I think we all do.
My friends at The Regional Assembly of Text have picked up on this global feeling and have put together this most clever package of letter writing supplies to help us ward off cabin fever.

Stay Stationary Send Stationery
Brandy, one of the co-founders of this iconic Canadian stationery shop, was my special guest this past week on my virtual letter writing social. We joked about how many people get the spelling of stationery (all things paper related) mixed up with stationary (stay still, not moving).
Do you think this kit will clear up the spelling errors?

Cabin Fever
How are you coping with cabin fever? This kit is sure to provide you with things to do while you await the time for a true outdoor adventure.
She shared that the Application for Friendship during these Hard Times (included in both kits featured here and also available on its own) is especially popular right now. No kidding!

Kit for mom
Not sure what to get Mom for Mother’s Day? Brandy will be happy to mail the Mother’s Day Kit (not shown here) directly to your mom for you, she will even fill out a card on your behalf.
Which kit do you like best?
p.s I hope someone who calls me mom is reading this. Nudge, nudge. Wink, wink.