Sarah inspired me. Have you ever ran into someone, maybe even for 20 seconds in a coffee shop, and come away with a myriad of new ideas? If so, you get me. I love when this happens. And, although this time round, it happened via Skype, Sarah and I were instant snail mail soul mates. […]
Positive Post-it Day – October 5th, 2015
Let’s face it, Post-It notes are addictive. There are a ton of uses for them, but none better than how Caitlin Prater-Haacke, of Alberta, Canada, uses them to spread a whole lot of positive. Have a listen. Kill them with kindness This moved my heart to hear and watch of this high school student’s personal […]
Geocaching—handwritten clues
I found treasure. I didn’t know I was looking for it, but I found it. Some of you may know that I hike on a fairly regular basis with an inspiring group of ‘older’ ladies and last week when we were out, we stumbled upon a ‘geocache’ of handwritten goodness. Perhaps you are familiar with […]
One last summer postcard fling
The quintessential postcard of summer There is something about summer and postcards that make a perfect pairing. Of course, sending a postcard any time of year works too, but as we begin to gradually bid farewell to summer, let’s take this opportunity to go on a postcard sending binge! What summer should be Take […]