Take a look at the beautiful handwriting inside some old books I found, along with new friend Ramona from HappilyWriting.com, at a recent used book sale. This inscription above made me wonder if the book was a prize for a piece of writing or for penmanship. I love how the ink has seeped and bled into […]
A Used Book Sale like none other
Sale runs May 22 and 23. Everywhere the eye could see were books. Boxes and boxes of donated books all patiently waiting to be sorted. This my friends, is book heaven, also known as the CBC Calgary Reads Used Book Sale. This is an annual event that raises funds for many amazing programs and initiatives […]
Gratitude is contagious
from Seb Lester on Vimeo. Here’s what I’m thankful for today: 1.) I’m thankful my tulips survived the snow from earlier this week. 2.) Really grateful for good health. I take this for granted way too much. 3.) Full of thanks that there wasn’t a full on fight this morning before school over who was […]
For Mom. A stationery subscription service.
A stationery subscription service so nice it will be hard to give away Mother’s Day is fast approaching and I don’t know about you, but I’m always stumped as to what to get my Mom. With the help of the paper lovers/curators (they are just delightful by the way) over at Nicely Noted you can […]