There could have easily been sleigh tracks leading up to this Christmas Post Office. I had to pull over and investigate. I mean, come on, a Post Office in a house with Christmas garland out front?

This is a Christmas Post Office if I’ve ever seen one, don’t you agree?
Locust Hill is a historic community of Markham, Ontario. The Post Office first opened in 1886 – although I don’t know if in this exact location or building.

Post Office and Residence are one-in-the-same
Yes, this is the public entrance to the Post Office. Note the hours of operation allow for a lunch break for those who work….and live….at the Post Office. I arrived around 11:30am on a Tuesday, so I made it just in time.
I have to admit I felt a little odd walking up to the house and just walking through the door without knocking or ringing a door bell. But that only lasted a second because a friendly voice welcomed me in, and soon I found myself chatting with Julie the Post Mistress.

The local hub of Locust Hill
People who live in the area still pick up their mail here. That is to say, in the front porch of the residence of Julie. There is a door to the right of these mail slots, shown above, that leads to her private living space.
Isn’t that the best?! No doubt Julie knows every single person and I bet could tell a tale or two about the lovely locals.

It is in the simple things we find the spirit of Christmas
It was through that exact door that Julie momentarily left me and came back with this super huge tray of homemade shortbread, all tied up pretty with red ribbon. You know I didn’t say no when she kindly offered me some. They were delicious and barely made the ride home before they were gone.
As we approach the final days before Christmas, I hope this Christmas Post Office reminds you that it is in the simple things…the giving of cookies, the conversations between strangers, the discovery of something beautiful and unexpected, that lead us to the true meaning of the season.
Merry Christmas and see you in 2023.