Did you laugh? Laugh out loud laugh? Me too. Couldn’t help it. Maybe it’s because I have a 7 year old boy who loves this kind of thing!
What you will find in today’s post is a random, eclectic group of tidbits. Gem’s really, all in their own right. The common thread that weaves them together is evidence. Evidence that paper is still very much alive and well in our society today.
How about that Canada Post truck? Look how full it is!! Insane. Trucks are still required to move the mail. Can you imagine delivering all that mail.
Well, my new friend Mr. WRC Postie, does just that. Stay tuned to hear more about Mr. Postie in a later post and his travels with the mail. Never did you hear such stories!
And I absolutely love the creativity behind Vincent Tomczyk’s work. He is clearly an artistic force to be reckoned with. Click on these paper jeans and you can see more of his work.
So it would seem that paper is not dead, but alive in different, unexpected ways. Perhaps you have stumbled about additional evidence? Do share. It is more fun that way.