It may look like any other typewriter, but trust me when I tell you that this beauty is extra special. It types in…wait for it…cursive. Yes, the keys type in cursive script. Unbelievable.

Hard to find a cursive typewriter that doesn’t break the bank
I have been on a search for a very long time for this sort of typewriter. The most sought after cursive typewriter, in my opinion, would be the Hermes 3000. Since $500- $1000 is beyond my typewriter budget, I have purchased this Olympia instead.

Cursive crazy
This machine is circa 1960, and I’m happy to say, in very good working order. I am fascinated by the green and red ribbon which I have never seen before.
This is the first time I’ve purchased a typewriter sight unseen. Not normally my style, nor would I recommend it, but when the cursive calls you get a little crazy.

So cool
I purchased it from a shop in Vancouver that I’m dying to visit called Stepback. And, to avoid the shipping cost, dear friends who were coming to visit me brought it with them. So perfect!

Cursive charms
I’ve been playing around on the typewriter and it does not disappoint. The cursive is utterly charming.
It’s true, I’m nerding out completely over this typewriter. I appreciate your patience. BUT, if any of you out there are considering getting yourself a typewriter here are a few of my tips.
What do you think of the cursive typewriter?
Ha ha, I love it Barb. Congratulations. And to think I had an Olympia in my teenage early career as a young daily newspaper reporter. I did not buy the cursive model though, I bought the standard courier font. Then I traded that machine in for…wait for it…my Hermes 3000 which I still have today some 55 years later. It has survived a tropical life and the storms of Antarctica, not to mention the pounding my pudgy fingers gave it I gave it pre-computer.
Graeme! I had a sneaking suspicion that you had a Hermes 3000. My hunch was right. Amazing how it has stood up through out all your travels and harsh conditions. Incredible. What a treasure. I can only imagine the memories it holds for you. Thank you for sharing this story with us.
Oh Barb! So very cool! I hope you get many many hours of enjoyment from this beautiful machine:)
I’m so excited Denise! It was a bit of a ‘quest’ for me to find a cursive typewriter and now, finally I have it!
That IS A beautiful typewriter! And YES, you would love Stepback! So many wonderfully curated vintage treasures to drool over… You must get there on your next visit to Vancouver!
Thanks Lorie. I think so too. So you’be been to Stepback?! I’m so jealous. I need to come!!