Virtual Letter Writing Socials are coming back. We had such fun last year that the concensus is we should do it again. I’m so excited!
Thanks to Sean @yyctypewriter (above) for being a regular attendee and for sharing in my love of typewriters and…bell bottom jeans. Ha!

People joined in from far and wide
Due to Covid I shifted my in-person LWS’s to a virtual format via Instagram LIVE. The response and interest was amazing.
I honestly didn’t know if a single soul would join me, but in fact so many did, and from all over the place. Other lovers of snail mail, like Ann @aedspix (above) would tune in each week and chat all things letter writing.

Moving to 2x monthly schedule
There are a few changes to the schedule for the Fall. We will start 30 minutes earlier, at 6:30pm MST/ 8:30pm EST, in hopes that more of our letter writing friends in the East will be able to join in.
Instead of weekly, we will move to a 2x per month schedule. Melanie @melaniejevans (above) and others gave such great suggestions on the new Fall format. Thank you all.

more special guests and giveaways
Special guests and giveaways will continue to be part of the Fall LWS schedule. Whoot! Whoot!
We had so many fantastic special guests last year it was incredible! Janine Vangool, Editor/Creater of Uppercase Magazine participated as did The Regional Assembly of Text and soulPaper to name just a few of the other special guests.

Mark your calendar for virtual LWS’s schedule
All virtual LWS’s will begin at 6:30pm MST/ 8:30pm EST and will run for approximately 40 minutes on Instagram LIVE.
September 8 + 22
October 6 + 20
November 10 + 24
December 1 + 15
Yippee! Can’t wait! Thanks for continuing this format.
Yeah!! Thank you, Melanie for tuning in so often.