Father’s Day letter
With Father’s day just around the corner it’s time to think about celebrating the men in our lives with a Father’s Day letter.
On June 9th I will be hosting a Letter Writing Social dedicated to Dads. Not to foster any misplaced stereotypes, but I’m bringing some very cool hockey stamps and newly released Star Trek postcards and stamps. Only the best for Dads everywhere. Please join me, if you can, and write Dad a letter.
A letter is the next best thing
It’s a hard gig being a Dad. Sometimes I feel like the Moms get more of the glory around parenting, more of a fuss made (bring it on I say), but Dads deserve celebrating too. So this year I’m going beyond the standard Canadian Tire card that I get my dad every year and I’m going to write him a letter.
I have to tell you that this will be hard. Why? Because if I could, I would way rather be with my Dad this Father’s Day…but my letter will be the next best thing.
Not sure what to write your Dad? Here are five ideas.
* tell him the first memory you have of him as your Dad
* recount funny stories you have shared together
* share how you’ve applied a piece of wisdom he gave you
* thank him for a specific thing he did for you
* let him know a story that reminded you of him
If you could tell your Dad something this Father’s Day, what would it be?