I found treasure. I didn’t know I was looking for it, but I found it.
Some of you may know that I hike on a fairly regular basis with an inspiring group of ‘older’ ladies and last week when we were out, we stumbled upon a ‘geocache’ of handwritten goodness.
Perhaps you are familiar with this concept of the outdoor game, geocaching, where you use a GPS, map,or a smartphone app to navigate your way to a certain destination (there is both urban caching and rural caching) to find the geocache.
Generally the treasure is left to face the elements in a sealed container with a log book for people to sign. Sometimes there is some ‘loot’ or small trinkets that you are free to take, provided you leave something for the next person.
The treasure for me was the fascinating tidbits and comments left in the logbook, some a bit soggy, but all in so many varieties of handwriting and from all over the world. Plus, the view wasn’t too shabby either.
Have you ever left a cryptic handwritten message in a geocache?
P.S. This hike was Big Beehive and the view is one of beautiful Lake Louise and the Fairmont Hotel.
Funny, I was just looking up some geocaches today. It’s a fun little activity and I, too, love the handwritten “logs” people leave. I’ve never come across a whole “book” or “journal” of logs though. That is quite an impressive compilation of notes. Most of the logs I’ve seen have been rolled up pieces of paper….probably 1-1/2″ wide and 11″ long. I guess the size just depends on your cache container. Fun that you and the ladies who hike came upon that. Thanks for sharing picks of the pages. It would have been hard to drag myself away before reading ALL of it!
Ha! You make me smile Melanie. So, did you end up going geocaching? Do tell of your adventure.