Any LEGO ® fans out there?
You better mark July 1, 2021 on the calendar as this is the day when LEGO® is releasing it’s typewriter set.
For $269.99 CDN…gulp…this typewriter that you can build out of lego bricks (recommended for 18+) has a moveable carriage and keys. The font is already on the keys – so no stickers required.
My favorite part? The colour! I love that the LEGO® designers chose the classic mint-green of the 1950’s typewriters.

But does it work?
I’ve got it on good authority that, no, it doesn’t actually work.
You can put a piece of paper through the roller, but the ribbon is made of fabric. More of a piece to display in your office. Plus the challenge/fun of building it.
For all you LEGO® VIP’s out there, did you take advantage of the early order date of June 16th?
What do you think? Cool idea?
Personally, although very cool, I’m more of a fan of the real thing. And also, I don’t have enough patience to put it together! Ha!