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written for love
This weekend I watched the 2010 movie Letters to Juliet (inspired by the famous Shakespearean couple Romeo and Juliet) with my almost 16 year old. I had never seen this movie before. Not sure how I missed it, being the complete letter loving junkie that I am.
Well, it was predictable, cliché in every romantic way possible, sappy and it had ‘chick flick’ written all over it (I really hate that term by the way). BUT, I loved it!
photo credit: Davers via photopin cc
You too can write to Juliet
Yes, I loved it. The stunning footage of Verona, Italy, had me swooning from the get go. And then there were the letters. Letters that people travel far and wide to come and leave at the wall of Juliet’s tomb seeking advice on love.
And you know what, it actually exists! Better yet, you don’t have to travel to Italy to write Juliet a letter. You can mail your letter to Juliet and it will be answered by a team of volunteers. How incredible is that?
What would you write? Do you have a love letter story?
Or you can keep those love letters tucked away in that shoe box in the basement. Up to you.

I saw this movie and loved all the great shots of Verona and surrounding areas in Italy. I write letters to my grandmother, but that is typically about the only letter writing I do these days but it is a good way to keep in touch with her. Would love to visit this place in Verona. Stopping by from SITS!
Hi Jessica, so grand that you write letters to you grandmother. Does she write you back? I bet she has great handwriting. I would love to visit this place in Verona too. It’s on my bucket list. Thanks for stopping by for a visit.
I also love that movie. I have it in my rainy day collection. I think it is a wonderful idea, I kind of want to go and join the volunteers for a day 🙂
A rainy day movie collection, I need to know more! What other titles do you have in this collection? Funny that you should say you would like to join those letter writing women, I thought the same thing. It would be so fun especially if pasta, bread, cheese, wine were involved! 🙂 thanks for stopping in.
I love that movie. It’s such a cute one. I also love that they just accepted her in the group. I’m stopping by from the blog hop. I hope your enjoying your day!
Hi Leslie, I loved that too, that she just joined them in being one of Juliet’s secretaries. Makes me want to go to Italy! So nice to chat with you today.
What a neat idea. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for stopping in for a visit Bailey. I loved this movie and it is on my bucket list to go and visit one day.