Welcome to a display of stunning works all crafted from either words, letters, or actual mail. My words will only take away from the amazing beauty and talent. So enjoy.

“My work reflects society’s obsession with beauty in advertising; images that bombard us daily. I appropriate those images and reuse the advertising vehicle as well. My paper mosaics are a purposeful intermix of advertising messages – junk mail, postcards, etc. that arrive through my mailbox. I hand cut, sort and manipulate thousands of pieces; images and text – to assemble a mosaic portrait. I create a new image of beauty – an eclectic and tactile portrait redrawn and reworked in my imagination, utilizing materials that would otherwise go to waste.”
– Sandhi Schimmel Gold

“Just invite a few friends to bring their stationery and address book. Maybe first you will all decorate envelopes and then get down to writing. Wouldn’t it be great if you knew some of the same people? Then you could round robin the letters and each write something.” Ginny Smallenburg

“Converse has just released a map of London we did for them, with some of the city’s hidden treasures. Since the get-go, the idea was to create a typographic version of London that people would want to look at, peppering it with some illustrations here and there and filling with awesome off-the-beat attractions. It took me quite a long time to build this piece as I had to put it together letter by letter (there’s more than 600 in it).” Joao Lauro Fonte

I really like the first picture!
Isn’t that picture amazing! I still can’t get over that it is all made from junk mail. Wow. Glad you stopped by for a visit Chelsea. Hope to see you again soon.
I love the Map of London. Such a neat idea!
I know! I also love the black with smattering of red colour combo he used. I loved it too!