Mail delivery takes on all styles and modes of transportation. In New Zealand these three-wheeled vehicles are all rigged up with the mail. Aren’t they grand? I do believe I would have a ton of fun driving one of these rigs!

Thanks to my friend Graeme we have a close up view of not only these charming mail delivery vehicles but these mailboxes are also a delight. Apparently motorcycles also deliver the mail in NZ.

Here in Calgary mail is delivered to community boxes by individual mail carriers using their own vehicles like this one above. While corporate Canada Post trucks are more often likely to be out on packages delivery.

How is mail delivered in your area? What kind of vehicles are used?
Now this is a great theme! My mailman comes on motorbike or, some days, on foot (the post office isn’t really far away).
But I have some pictures that might interest you:
–Postal motorbikes in Morocco; another one.
-PPostal bikes in France
–Quads in the Azorean islands
Eva, those pics of quads and motorcycles delivering mail are amazing! Thank you for sharing. So interesting to see the different types of mail vehicles around the world.