When I travel I love to look for and capture mailboxes of that place. Not exactly your typical tourist pass time, but I this is how I roll.
In addition to the Tango and great steak, Argentina did not disappoint in the mailbox department. Here are a smattering of my favorites.

Literally translated to mean ‘letters.’ There were so many letter slots in doorways I could have easily snapped a pic on every block.

In Canada we have more community mail boxes or personal mailboxes, but not so many letter slots. What do you have where you live?

Doors to impress
Many of the letter slots were ornate and on huge, tall, massive doors. Just beautiful. So many beautiful doors!

the Europe of South America
Argentina is often referred to as the Europe of South America. I found this to be true in terms of the architecture and ‘feel’ of the city while I was in Buenos Aires.

“Don’t cry for me, Argentina”
Of course, I had to mail postcards back home while I was there. As of today, Feb 15, they still haven’t arrived and I have been home now for two and a half weeks. I do hope they eventually show up or I may shed a few tears over Argentina loosing my postcards.
Mailbox, letterbox, postbox….what do you call it?
p.s. If you would like to see more mailboxes from my travels have a peek at my instagram mailboxstyle.
Here in America, we have mail boxes by our front doors or at the end of driveways. Letter slots in front doors are rare. We used to have one, and I loved it. But the post office told our complex’s manager that the mail carriers were hurting their backs by putting mail through the slot. So we got ugly black mailboxes to replace the slots!
Hi Rosanne, Thanks for sharing this most interesting comment about why mail slots are a thing of the past. The physical part of delivering mail to a mail slot never occured to me. Some of the community mailboxes in my area have boxes lower to the ground so I wonder about that. I wish I had a slot! Happy mail to you.
We do like to see the mail person each day walking the routes past our place. We see two: one on the street side and another on the avenue frontage. He/she arrives at our door with flyers or window envelopes ( ha ha), maybe a magazine a month and drops them into our homemade and decorated letterbox.
So fun, Graeme, that you actually see your mail carrier! I pick up my mail at a community mailbox so don’t often run into them. I remember your mailbox; sunflowers on it?! Just beautiful.
But yes: that is exactly my typical tourist pass time 🙂