“Is this for me?”
Two days before Christmas, my family and I handed out the cards that came in for the #MakeItMerry project. As we delivered your cards to the homeless at the Drop In (DI) Centre, this question was heard more than once. People were shocked and surprised that people from all over had sent them a Christmas card.
We spent over an hour going from floor to floor distributing hundreds of Christmas cards. Initially we had hoped to receive just eighty cards with the intention to give to the Seniors at the DI Centre, but after a few trips to my mailbox I soon realized I was about to be flooded with cards!
The cards came from all over
In fact, over 1500 cards came in for the #MakeItMerry project. Cards were received from all over Canada, some from the United States and even from Rosie all the way in Wales, UK.
Schools, church groups, colleges, bank branches, hospitals, families, hockey teams, stores, and other non-profits all got involved. It was incredible to see so many people want to spread the true spirit of Christmas to those who needed it the most.
Words #MakeItMerry,
My mailbox soon became a hub of activity for my local Canada Post outlet. The manager (she has already purchased cards to use for next year*) would put aside all the letters that wouldn’t fit in my box and let me know when more arrived.
I met so many kind people as I picked up cards all over the city. You may remember, to ensure the contents of the cards were nothing but positive, I went through and sorted the cards. Not one was negative. Not one was cruel or condescending. Nothing but love and encouragement.
We are all alike
I’ve got to tell you, more than once did my eyes well up with tears, reading the heartfelt words of love and concern for the homeless.
People wrote wishes for happier times, courage to be the best they can be, hope for safety and warmth, but my heart was moved when I read cards that shared stories. Stories from the person that sent the card about their own lives, the number of kids they had, what they liked to read, everyday real life stuff.
I loved these cards because they broke down any barriers between those that have and those that don’t. The card became a conversation between two people, both with hopes and dreams, both with a core desire to be loved.
Someone out there cared enough to send a card
The whole purpose of the #MakeItMerry project was in a small, but hugely significant way, spread some merry with a Christmas card to those who need it most. To those who maybe haven’t received a Christmas card in a long time; if ever. In fact, as we distributed the cards, one older gentleman got a bit choked up and said the card would probably be all he would receive for Christmas.
Another woman, who somehow didn’t receive a card the first time we passed by her in the hallway, made a point of coming up to us, in a fairly forthright manner, asking us if she could get a card too. These cards meant something. These cards brought joy and meaning and showed that someone cared.
Long lasting impact
A new friend, that I met through the #MakeItMerry project, actually volunteers at the DI Centre. She shared with me that even now, as we approach February, some of her clients still have the card they received and have shown her and have remarked that “these cards are so pretty, not something we see here often.”
So much generosity
Along with kind words, personal anecdotes, and colourful drawings, many cards had little gifts tucked inside. Not only were you incredibly generous, but you had really thoughtful ideas on what to include. Several envelopes had McDonald’s or Tim Horton’s gift cards enclosed. Others had poems, transit tickets, and some had beautiful, miniature origami peace cranes inside.
What’s next?
I can’t express to you, how incredibly grateful and blessed I have been, by your overwhelming response to a wee idea that God put on my heart. I surely couldn’t have done any of it without you.
Please know, that the impact of your Christmas card won’t soon be forgotten and that some special people at the DI Centre had a merrier Christmas due to you. Thank you so much.
*Some of you have been asking if the #MakeItMerry project will run in 2016. I am thrilled to let you know that planning will begin in late summer with the DI Centre to prepare for Christmas 2016. I have learned so much and can’t wait to see the initiative grow and spread even more merry!
Should you have ideas or suggestions for the project, please let me know. I would love to hear from you.
P.S. Photos taken at the DI Centre are courtesy of Jennifer Friesen for MetroCalgaryNews.
What a lovely idea!
Thanks so much Julie! Those on the receiving end of the cards sure were so surprised to know that someone took the time to send them a card. So meaningful.
Is there an address that we can get to mail christmas cards out?
Hi there friend, yes, completely. Here is the mailing address: P.O. Box 96107 West Springs, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T3H 0L3. Thank you so much for wanting to be part of MakeItMerry!
Barb! I just slowly read & looked at all the great photos posted! Somehow, I missed being a part of this 🙁 but so excited to hear of the impact you had on so many (so many letting a piece of their heart out to touch the lives of the homeless) and all from the little something God put in your heart. Did you go alone, or is this through your church. I want you to be my here (in my location) friend…he he. I love your heart and that you ARE Riting While U Can! This reminds me of what you took part in with Him….
The Lord gives freedom to the prisoners.
The Lord opens the eyes of the blind.
The Lord raises those who are bowed down;
The Lord loves the righteous
The Lord watches over the strangers;
He relieves the fatherless and widow Ps. 146:7-9
So sweet Sydney, your encouraging words.Thank you for them. You will have lots of opportunity to participate next year! 🙂 The initiative came out of my blog, but my church was so awesome and jumped on the idea and provided an opportunity for everyone to write a card one Sunday.
Such a simple, beautiful and impactful project. Congratulations Barb.
Thanks so much Dominique! Appreciate your support and encouragement.
Awesome awesome! Just such a great initiative, Barb! Proud of you friend!
Glenda! I agree….a great initiative. This morning I was reading…
And AS he was now going down, his servants met him and told him, saying, “Your son lives!” Jn. 4:51
It was AS (action) he went. And it is AS we take the small action, that we see the manifestation of things too 🙂
Love this ‘action’ verse. Such a profound reminder to do something; even as tiny as sending a card.
Thanks for being part of it Glenda. From sending cards, sharing on all your social media pages, encouraging me to run with the idea, I couldn’t have done it with out you.