Up against the wall
A recent article in The New York Times Style Magazine entitled The Writer’s Room featured five writers and their writing space. Here are some of my favorite quotes from this article:
1) Author Colson Whitehead tends to move his desk around, “For the first half of a new book, maybe you want your back against the wall. Gunslinger style. Nothing can sneak up on you except your own bad sentences.”
2) “I write on an escritoire I found on Craiglist. I refinished it in Japanese red lacquer, put some holes in the back for cords, and it’s great because the moment I close it I look like an organized person” say Canadian novelist, visual artist and designer Douglas Coupland.
Pen to Paper
3) And it would seem, some authors have a variety of writing spaces as does Mona Simpson, “I revised the last 11 drafts, red-penciled the copy editing and marked the first-pass galleys at different places in the house; sitting on the floor next to the heating vent, on my bed, at the kitchen table, leaning back in my chair with my feet up on the desk.”
4) “There is surely some subtle connection between the vistas we face and the writing we accomplish, as a dream takes its mood and imagery from our waking life” shares Joyce Carol Oates who begins her writing first at a desk where she has a view of a creek, lake, and birds writing with pen to paper after which she moves to another desk which houses her laptop and where she can type for hours.

5) Roddy Doyle works in the attic of his home where there are three skylights, “It’s the sounds that reach the attic that inspire me.” It would seem Canadian geese play a central role in Doyle’s writing day. Do take a read of the article to find out more.
What does your desk look like?
For a picture of my desk visit my Facebook page. Warning…it is messy!

Thanks for linking up and for the tweet! Great post too! I love how unique we all are and how our “space” is what allows us to be who we are.
Hi there Morgan, I love how we all have our little corner, messy or not, where we go to create. Nice to know we can all wear PJ’s if we want. some days.
I love seeing behind the scenes of the creative process and glad to know their desks are as messy as mine and that they can write anywhere.
Thanks for sharing with my Small Victories Sunday linky! Hope you link up more posts next week!
I know, it is comforting to know there are other creative types out there who celebrate whatever space they find themselves! Inspiring I think. Thanks for your comment and visit Tanya.
Hi Barb – love this post! I’m popping in from the Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop at Katherine’s Corner. I have my writing desk in the same room as my sewing machine, I can just go from one creative project to the other quite easily. Of course, then the whole room frequently looks like a tornado just came through, but then eventually I stop long enough to clean it all up just to start all over again when the next idea hits. Glad to know I’m not alone in my creative quirkiness ;o) Nina @ mamas*little*treasures and Ruby for Women
Hi there Nina, lovely to see you! I completely relate to the ‘creative tornado’ you have happening. All I can say is, “Thank goodness for doors!” 🙂 Thanks for stopping in for a visit.
What an interesting twist for writers, I have heard they are quirky, but I really don’t know. Thanks for stopping by Oh My Heartsie Girl today, I appreciate the visit.
Nice to see you Karen, thanks for taking the time to pop over and say ‘hi.’ You just never know what will inspire writers!