Does anyone else send themselves mail? I definitely do when there is a unique postmark on the line. I recently stayed at Emerald Lake Lodge and the closest Post Office is in Lake Louise.

Lake Louise Postmark
On my way back home from Emerald Lake I stopped in at Lake Louise. I made friends with the Post Master (of course) and she was so kind to let me apply the post mark to my own mail.
Yes, I am a snail mail nerd.

Collecting postmarks
I just received my own postcard this week and I know some of my other mail sent at the same time has arrived at its destination.
Without realizing it, collecting postmarks have become a thing for me. Here’s is a postmark from my home town of Gravenhurst, Ontario, Canada.

Emerald Lake – my new favorite place
As you may have noticed on my postcard to myself (smile), Emerald Lake is my new favorite place. Seriously. I am already trying to figure out a way to go back and see it in the summer.
It was a magical winter wonderland. So much snow! The photo above is of the same building in the postcard, just from a slightly different angle.
Do you send mail to yourself?
What a Dummy I am!!! I could have done this for my holiday in Canada and if I had done it as per Melanie’s suggestion, on postcards, how fantastic that would have been!
I must remember this when visiting villagers here in the UK!
It is such a great suggestion that Melaine shared, I completely agree. I guess that means you must come back for another visit to Canada, Stefan! But think of how amazing your collection will not be, hence forth. 🙂
I do for a quick frugal Copyrighted work!haha
Someone once recommended that you do your daily travel journaling on postcards purchased in your vacation destination. I did that once and loved how the cards served double-duty. Journal and vacation memento. Postmarks are such an unsung hero. I need to pay more attention to them. How fun to get to postmark your own missive! On a different note, CBS This Morning had a segment on the resurgence of typewriters. I thought of your Letter Writing Socials.
I LOVE this idea, Melanie!! Truly the postcard is the unsung hero. I must track down that CBS segment, thanks for the tip.