Never too old
Marthe Armitage is 84 years of age. She designs custom wallpapers and draws them herself. This in itself is unusual, as often the patterns on wallpaper are taken from old documents, but in her case she didn’t even start her work with papers until her mid 70’s.
What kind of craziness is this? Does Ms. Armitage have some sort magical energy drink? If so, I need some.
I adore her spunk and creative energy. But, even more so, she is an inspiration. To embark on a different career path that late in life is not only gutsy but boldly endearing.
Never too late
Is there something you have always wanted to do but haven’t yet taken the plunge?
This reminds me of my high school friend’s grandmother who loved gardening. Well into her 90’s, her family found her one day lying on her stomach next to her garden. Thinking the worst, they were delighted to know that she was actually just weeding — it was too hard on her back to bend over. Some day, that’s what I want to do. Garden on my stomache.
Oh my goodness, Linda, that is a fantastic story! To think that at 90 plus she actually got down on her stomach to weed her garden. Bless her! Thanks so much for sharing this gem.
What a neat story! It’s never too late to try something new. I love the message of this post. I’m stopping by from SITS & I hope your enjoying your weekend.
Happy weekend Leslie, Thanks so much for popping by to say ‘hello.’ I loved this inspiring story too. I can only hope for this at age 84.
I’ve always wanted to write a book – I will probably do it before 84 though! Found you at SITS! Have a great Memorial Day!
Hi Kristen, what a great goal of writing a book! Would love to learn about your topic. I have no doubt you will achieve this before 84! Thanks for stopping by. Enjoy the long weekend.
I have recently discovered a desire to write a book of poetry. I am 44 years old and I am currently getting a new qualification and also took up photography a year ago. I am beginning anew career now and i do think people like Marthe open the door for us to consider any age the age of learning and time for new things.
Thanks for inspiring me today.
Karen, What a discovery you have made! It sounds like 44 is just the beginning of a new chapter of change and adventure for you. Lovely to meet you. I bet you will find lots of inspiration for poetry within these discoveries. Thank you for taking the time to share and visit.
Than you for sharing this wonderful story. Though not in my 80’s yet, I am finally pursuing my passion for writing after having had a fulfilling career of a different sort, and being a stay-at-home mom. My blog seems to have me running on as little sleep as my infants once did!
Hello there Susan, So glad you liked the story about Marthe. She sure did inspire me too. How wonderful that you are writing now and pursuing your passion. Your comment about your blog causing sleep deprivation I know all too well!! Here’s to a relaxing restful long weekend.
These designs are beautiful and, more importantly, Ms. Armitage is an inspiration! We are never too old to follow our dreams.
I love that Ms.Armitage actually hand draws these designs herself; so glad you liked her story Jennifer. I did too. Especially when she admits “it would be so easy just to sit in my chair and read.” Inspiring indeed. And, of course, the darling accent isn’t hard to listen to as well.
Wonderful and so inspiring! Thank you for sharing this heart-warming story. It will encourage so many others to be open to reinventing themselves!
I was so taken by her story, I just had to share Elizabeth. It does give us inspiration doesn’t it? Have a lovely day reinventing yourself. 🙂