Simply put, postcards are the best. The small writing space invites rather than intimidates, and it does double duty by sending a favorite photo or memory AND a message. A win, win, I’d say.
October 1st is World Postcard Day, the perfect opportunity to send a postcard. Keep reading for ideas on who you can send a postcard to and what you can use as a postcard.

What can you use as a postcard?
Look at that worn and ripped postage stamp! It is incredible.
I’ve been saving these vintage postcards from France ever since someone (you know who you are) so thoughtfully picked them up for me while in Paris. Aren’t they just beautiful?
Vintage photos make great postcards. As do recycled cereal boxes, old book covers, recipe cards, comic book covers glued on cardboard, and of course postcards themselves.

Who can you send a postcard to?
Everyone loves receiving snail mail, that is a given truth.
I’m convinced that during Covid the charm of finding something in the mailbox can do amazing things. Receiving mail reminds us we are not alone, spreads joy and delight, and brings a smile to our face as we read a snippet of news from someone we care about.
With that in mind here are a few people that we can send postcards to
- your local health care hero
- the person behind the mask at the grocery story
- parents, family, that you haven’t been able to see for the last six months
- pen pals
- besties
- your kids – no matter their age. For those at home leave a poscard outside their bedroom door or in their lunch box.
Who will you send a postcard to on October 1st, World Postcard Day?
I’ve sent postcards for World Postcard Day to most of my pen pals (here in the U.S. and abroad), my friends, and my daughter.
Happy World Postcard Day, everyone!
This is awesome, Roseanne! No doubt they all loved receiving a postcard from you to mark World Postcard Day!
You could add the Postcrossing site to the list “people to send postcards to”. Sending postcards to complete strangers around the world isn’t a bad idea! 😀
Eva, you are brilliant! What a great idea, thank you for the suggestion.