The perservation of the old and unusual is captured like none other in the form of rare letters, postcards, and of course books. This is what you will find at what looks to be a magificent gem of a store in Toronto, Ontario, Canada — “The Monkey’s Paw.” I just couldn’t resist sharing and showing you some of the books available online through their “remote window display.”
I think that Stephen Fowler, the owner of the bookshop, is on to something remarkable. Clearly a creative force he has come up with something called the “Biblio-Mat.” Think large fridge shaped, vending machine that by inserting a $2 toonie (that’s Canadian talk for $2 dollar coin) and out pops a book!!
For a more detailed profile of Mr. Fowler and his store please click here.
So, for all you readers who live in the vicinity of Toronto, please go check this place out and let me know if it lives up to the possibilities it seems to exude. And let me know. Wishing I could hop on over myself.