Strangely enough I don’t remember ever keeping a diary.* What I do remember though, distinctly, is trying to break the lock on one of my sister’s diaries. They are surprisingly strong little contraptions! My other strategy was keeping a keen eye on her hiding places for that magical key. A tad naughty I was in my younger days […]
More is less. No more giving up.
Some people give things up for Lent. You know the list; chocolate, ipad, Twitter, bread etc. But then there are those who deliberately choose to add something to their lives for 40 days. The subtraction we are accustomed to. The addition, not so much. The mathematics of Lent. I love this shift of paradigm. So in […]
Hot Cross Buns
OK, I can’t stand the taste of these little buns. BUT, thankfully the story doesn’t end there. The symbolic meaning of hot cross buns knocks my socks off. There are many sources of information out there on the historical significance of these sweet breads but I am going to suggest we simplify. Just two words are necessary for me—the cross. God’s love […]
Old and Unusual
The perservation of the old and unusual is captured like none other in the form of rare letters, postcards, and of course books. This is what you will find at what looks to be a magificent gem of a store in Toronto, Ontario, Canada — “The Monkey’s Paw.” I just couldn’t resist sharing and showing you […]