Mom cards Mother’s Day is right around the corner, but you’ve still got time to send out some Mom cards. This card above, by Baltic Club a Montreal based purveyor of stationery goods, has been in my possession for at least six months. It’s that perfect. I’m sending it to my own secret weapon this Mother’s Day. […]
Book Lover Postcard Swap – Snail Mail Edition
Book Lover Postcard Swap – Snail Mail Edition The Book Lover Postcard Swap brings together the perfect combination of books and snail mail. Especially when it is National Letter Writing Month. Seriously, does it get any better than this? The idea for this Edition is to swap postcards and share a title you’ve read where […]
Springtime with Postmark1206
Springtime with Postmark 1206 Since Spring is taking it’s sweet time showing up here in Calgary, I’ve turned to Postmark1206 to provide with me with a dose of Springtime. Christine Richards is a writer and graphic designer who has created her own line of unique paper goods. This crocus card is especially fine, as I […]
Stationery store letter writing workshop
Stationery store letter writing workshop There is a new stationery store in town. It’s a dangerous place for me, a stationery shop loaded with paper products that dreams are made of. Yup, very easy for me to go bankrupt in such a store. Two new letter writing workshops These photos were taken early December 2017 […]