Send a Birthday card to Hallee Last year when Hallee Sorenson turned 18 no one came to her Birthday party. Not a single person. She was heart broken. Hallee’s cousin, Rebecca Prefontaine, did what all good cousins would do….wrestled all those who were invited and left them to fend for themselves in a Jr.Kindergarten room….no, […]
What was in my mailbox this week. No.1
what was in my mailbox this week I’ve been thinking for awhile now that I should give you a kind of behind-the-scenes peek into what was in my mailbox this week. First up is the Pretty Postal Floral Swap I recently participated in. I have to say the flowers were a-bloom’n! nothing ‘plain-Jane’ here Just look […]
Typewriter repair shop
Typewriter repair shop What a delightful clip of father and son who continue on the tradition of keeping typewriters alive in their typewriter repair shop. The guardians of the keys, so to speak. If you’ve been hang’n out with me for awhile now, you will know I have a bit of a ‘typewriter habit.’ […]
A book about teen suicide
A book about teen suicide Teen suicide. A daunting subject for any author, yet Christina Kilbourne tackles it with courage, sensitivity and hope. I recently finished reading an advance copy of Detached and I have to admit I was nervous to crack open the pages. In fact, I let it sit on my table for a […]