Paper with personality I have a thing for wrapping. Anyone who knows me will tell you I’m headed down the slippery slope of insanity on this one, but what can I do? I love seeing what paper ideas I can come up with that are beautiful, yet just a bit different. Ideas that have a […]
War doesn’t stop for Christmas
At Christmas time we think nothing of that simple, short jaunt to the mailbox. How drastically different things were when many in our country were overseas during the war. Join me, as author Elinor Florence shares stories about Christmas mail during war time. In November 1943, to help alleviate the Christmas rush, Ottawa high school students served as volunteers sorting mail. (Photo Credit: National Film Board). ******* Away from home for multiple Christmases […]
6 ways to display christmas cards
Source: House and Home Re-purpose a frame or mirror. The cards have started to arrive! Nothing like the anticipation of going to the mailbox in December. I love displaying my cards and this idea, above, of reusing a picture frame is so clever. If you don’t have the time to paint it, just stringing some wee […]
#MakeItMerry – Tips on sending cards to the homeless
Welcome! Hi there, and welcome to ritewhileucan, a blog that focuses on introducing people to the lost art of letter writing, and why it matters in our digital age. If you are new here, a hearty handshake and big smile from me to you. Recently, I shared an idea to write cards to the homeless this […]