Liquid gold arrived in the mail Have I told you about my affinity for all things sweet? Yeah, it’s real and can be a problem. Anyway, you can imagine that when a box showed up on my doorstep last week filled with cans of maple syrup, the sugar high began right away. That and a […]
Perforated Vintage Postcard
Getting lost can be good. I got lost the other day. Not an uncommon thing for me. I decided rather than panic, get real angry with the GPS, myself and anyone else in the near vicinity, I would take it in stride and explore. Wouldn’t you know it, my well trained eye spotted a thrift […]
Puzzles for the Postman
Puzzles for Postmen from James Addison on Vimeo. The post in the UK is like none other Sometimes I think I should have been born in the UK. These lovely cousins across the sea take their mail and postal service seriously. Plus, the devotion to tea makes me think I would fit in straight away. […]
Where is your favorite place to write a letter?
A photo posted by CanadaGram Project (@canadagram) on Apr 9, 2015 at 4:57am PDT Books and coffee If I lived in Toronto,ON, Canada I think this would be my new favorite place to hang, especially to write a letter. This is Fika cafe, in Toronto’s Kensington Market. This amazing book wall was captured by Inayali, […]