photo credit: The Tangle via photopin (license) I’m throwing a party and you are all invited! Dear friends, Starting Monday, March 16 and continuing all week long until Friday, March 20, I”m going to be giving away some of my favorite paper related products. I’ve contacted some of my favorite paper people who have generously […]
It’s never too late to get organized. My Poketo planner.
Never a wrong time to get organized Even though we are three months into 2015, I’ve just switched how I organize myself when it comes to my blog. I know, crazy right? It might be, but so far it has been well worth the effort. Now, before we go much further, I should share that […]
When letters don’t fall from the sky.
I am not a writer. While it is true that I bungle about here and there, on the blog, some stuff on the side (a real writer would never use the word ‘stuff’), I am not a writer in the professional sense of the term. But, here’s the thing. I like to write. I’m of […]
5 reasons why typewriters are addictive.
Resistance was futile I recently changed the ink in my typewriter from the standard black to a funky purple. It’s given new life to all I do on the typewriter. In fact, I left it out in the kitchen the other day to see if it people could resist walking past and not giving it […]