Golden paper
Paper maché is taken to new heights by artist Susan Dwyer of Up in the Air Somewhere studio. This Gold Point Vessel is one of my favorites. I just love how the edges of the bowl continue upward, almost closing in to form a ball.
Over at Up in the Air Somewhere you will find many more lovely examples of this paper meets water and glue medium. Of course I oversimplify, but these are the basic ingredients to taking strips of paper and applying alternating layers of paper with a gluey water mixture.
Letter holder
Although not made from paper maché, how could I not fall for the earthen ware letter holder also by Susan. I like the idea of having my mail in an upright position. Less clutter on my counter and easier to see.
That accompanying tray would be a great office accessory too for all my random gems —paperclips, staples, sticky notes, pens etc.
Silver bowl
This large silver paper bowl is another Susan’s work that is featured over at IAMTHELAB where there is a whole lot of handmade goodness. Great hub of unique art, ideas and one of a kind gifts.
Some time ago, for a Halloween costume, I made a lady-bug shell out of paper maché. It is still wearable today even though the original little lady bug is all grown up. Sniff.
Here are some resources for you to get you started and create your own paper maché treasure:
DIY Maché
1. Papier Mache is a whole website devoted to just this activity. Wow.
2. For your easy reference here is a list of paper maché recipes .
3. You can find a helpful video here on how to keep mold from from ruining your creations
4. The only limit to what you can make out of paper maché is your imagination. Hop on over to this site for inspiration.
Have you ever made something out of paper maché?
P.S. If you ever meet my sister, please tell her I still have (and use) her floral paper maché bowl. It is a true beauty. Visit my Facebook page to see a picture.

The silver bowls are beautiful!
Such beauties! On my wish list to be sure. Lovely to see you Ashley. Hope you have had a splendid day.
Your sister’s bowl is gorgeous! Newest Facebook followers :-).
Hello there Heidi, I couldn’t agree more! Currently it holds some of my baking items like sprinkles and such. Thanks so much for hang’n out with me on FB.