It’s no secret that books love me.

Magical Paper
Books just have a way of finding me and not letting me walk away without them. I fear I am turning into a book hoarder. Yes, I am an avid patron of my local library, but there is something about owning a book. Especially children’s books.
Jayme McGowen from Roadside Projects often finds inspiration from children’s books. She cuts paper into these magical illustrations. Doesn’t “Matilda” just seem to pop out of the page at you? In fact, Ms. McGowan has shared on her website that she is working on her own children’s book. I can’t wait to see it.

Fantastic finds
When I was a university student I worked at a bookshop. Two different ones actually – one of which still exists in my home town of Gravenhurst, Ontario, Canada. I loved working in a bookstore. I learned so much. I also began collecting children’s books. The Beatrix Potter books 1-23 became an obsession. But, being on a student’s budget, I became a regular at various used bookstores and gradually found all 23 books. I still have them.
What is your favorite children’s book?
Beautiful prints! I’m also a bit of a book hoarder. If I won the lotto I would own even more. As for favorite children’s book, my favorite has always been “The Little House” by Virginia Lee Burton.
Found you via Turn It Up Tuesday! blog hop that I’m co-hosting! Thanks for linking up with us! 🙂
Hello there Denise, So happy to you found me and thanks for co-hosting Turn It Up Tuesdays. Glad to meet another book hoarder. 🙂 I will have to look for that title as I am not familiar with it. Always excited to discover new books. Thanks for stopping in.
Those prints are fantastic, Barb! As far as childrens’ books, there are many I really like so it’s hard to pick a favourite. One of my absolute faves is “Miss Rumphius” by Barbara Cooney. My girls and I love both the story and the illustrations. It’s about making the world more beautiful, and Alice Rumphius did that by planting lupines (another favourite). Of course, there is also The Story of Ferdinand, The Story about Ping, and The Runaway Bunny 🙂
Aren’t they great Glenda. I know Miss Rumphius and her house by the sea too! I loved the planting of the lupines to make the world a more beautiful place. I will have to look up “The Story about Ping” as I am not familiar with that one. Thanks for sharing your favorites.