No mistake about it

(Above work done by artist Alan Fletcher)
Life gets busy, no? Especially as we move towards the end of November and into December. Schedules get full all too soon. Plans shift. Meetings get rescheduled.
Thank goodness for the pencil.
(pencil shaving photo found here )
Second chance.
This little writing tool is most forgiving. I like that. You always have the option to re-do. To erase the parts that you don’t like or that aren’t quite what you hoped for.
I came upon this ‘Parable of the Pencil’ over at spirituallythinking.blogspot and thought it was brilliant. I just had to share it with you in hopes that you would feel inspired today and…make lots of mistakes!
What is your favorite pencil? Or do you prefer pen?

I do prefer pen for most things… but a well sharpened pencil is a thing of delight for those items which will be changing frequently (but it has to be well sharpened. I have issues about writing with pencils that are even the slightest bit dull! LOL)
Hi Elisabeth, I completely agree on the sharper the better philosophy! I must have issues too. I also like mechanical pencils except when I run out of lead I never seem to have any of those refills in the house. Happy writing….with whatever too you choose.