Perhaps you are in the middle of boxing up the garland and glitter from Christmas. Are you wondering what to do with the Christmas cards you received? Today you will find some unique and creative ideas to try.
Cards get a second life
* get out the mod podge glue and turn your cards into part of next years decor. Christy over at confessionsofaserialdiyer will walk you through the steps to make this star pictured above.
* using cookie cutters, cut out all the photo cards into fun shapes and pin them up on your bulletin board
Snip and clip
* use pinking shear scissors to quickly trim cards into gift tags.
* or perhaps you can work some magic and turn a card into an ornament for the tree. Check out this tutorial for the ornament shown above.
* cut a card to fit mason jar lids and gussy up a gifting container.
* turn your cards into cards. yes, this clever idea can be found over at . I absolutely love the simplicity of the stitching and design.
* one of my favorite ideas is to use cards to make this advent calendar for next year.
More ideas
* turn your cards into blocks. This idea, plus others, found here.
* cut off the side of the card that has no writing on it and use that blank space to write down that new recipe you tried this year. Keep it or give it away with some of the goodies .
Have you already packed away Christmas?

These are really cute ideas…and they don’t look too hard for someone like me;)
For someone like me too Rachel, I am a pretty non-crafty gal, but sure do admire the talent out there! Many thanks for saying ‘hello.’
Like the ideas! I actually did a similar thing with my wedding cards recently. I have been separated for 1 1/2 years and am preparing divorce papers…I thought it would be a good healing exercise to go through all the photos and paper that has been saved through the years including the wedding cards. What to do with them though? I decided to have my two daughters (6 & 3) pick their favourites (didn’t really share too much about what the cards were from…just talked about the people they were from) and they did some cut and paste and crafts with them. It was surprisingly therapeutic! 🙂
Thought might be of interest to others who also don’t know what to do with old cards when there isn’t really a desire to keep them anymore but simply tossing them out feels yucky too.
Thanks so much Beth for sharing this idea of how to not only recycle cards but how to navigate memories that must be difficult and filled with mixed emotions.