Do you ever have the urge to run away? Or take a slight detour? Perhaps what you need is a vacation. A change of scenery can do wonders.

Summer time. It is the season for vacations. I don’t think we should underestimate the power of a new locale to inspire, refresh or provide the re-fueling we need.
Now, this new scene can be anywhere that is not your “normal.”
That park down the road that you never seem to have time to go to might do the trick. Pack a picnic. Invite no-one. This is just for you (bring the fancy champagne glass too). Do anything, really, that takes you out of your day-to-day routine of life.

Of course, there are the other, more typical summer vacations. Yours may include water, sun, and beach. Maybe it is mountains, hiking, museums or sightseeing. Whatever your choice the key is to transport yourself away from your routine.

Here are some ideas to try while on vacation to really slow things down and savor the moment:
– don’t wear a watch; a sure sign of being on vacation is not knowing what day of the week it is
– always have a few books not far from reach
– let the chores slide (ah, yes, my favorite part)
– capture the memories through photos, mementos, or get yourself a journal to chronicle your adventures
– resist the urge to text or email. instead, go old school, and send a postcard or card full of charm
Summer is the perfect time for a slower pace of life. Hopefully you will get off the beaten path this summer and enjoy your own little detour. May you enjoy it Rite now!
P.S Where will your detour take you this summer? Share it here.
We’ve been spending time on the walking trails and down by the lake! I love summer!!
Visiting today from Sincerely Paula’s No Rules weekend hop.
Hi Rosey, Glad you have been taking advantage of the summer season to get out and about. Enjoy your hiking and swimming!
I feel the need to run away alot and have especially in my younger years. rebellious times and almost did one day but realized i’d freak my mom out.
Thanks for stopping in for a visit Laney. Running away can have so many appealing things about it….short lived though they may be. I just opt for not wearing a watch! 🙂
Here from SITS! Love the idea of not even wearing a watch and just going wherever the day takes you!
Thanks for stopping by! Certainly we could all be ‘happier girls’ if we didn’t wear a watch now and again. 🙂 have a lovely weekend.
Love all of your suggestions! About two weeks ago I made a firm decision that I HAD to take a break, and soon! So I’m off to Costa Rica in three weeks. So looking forward to it! You’re so very right: a change of locale does bring a needed shift in focus and revives our minds and spirits.
Thanks for stopping by to visit Alison. Thrilled that you liked some of the ideas. Even more excited that you are making a ‘run’ for it to Costa Rica. Do come back with lots of stories to share with us and how ‘refreshed’ you will feel. Enjoy!
I totally agree! We took a detour to Madison, WI and were pleasantly surprised! I love those summer days when time just stands still – no watch, no plans, just letting life happen!
Stopping by from SITS Sharefest!
Hi Gracielle,
Thanks for your visit. So fun to explore unknown places in the summer. Glad your detour was a great experience! Enjoy the sunny days ahead. See you soon!
Such a good thought – it really is true…you don’t have to go far to get away, you just have to get out of your regular routine! Visiting from the SITS Sharefest this morning although I already follow you!!
Good Saturday to you Michelle, I hope you have lots of opportunity this summer to explore those close by treasures! Thanks for following – hope you have a great weekend!
I am so in need of a break right now. I love your idea of just going outside your comfort zone, even discovering a park in your own backyard. Great ideas!! Thanks!
Hi Kathy,
I know. The call of the ‘break’ always beckons me. Some times we just need to make it happen. Some times easier said than done, but with some close by hidden treasures it is possible. Hope you get your much deserved break. Would love to hear back on what you did and where. Thanks for stopping by for a visit. Hope to see you again soon.