send happy mail in 2017
I think the world needs more happy mail in 2017. Not junk mail, not bills, not flyers asking for something, and certainly not an empty mailbox.
Here are a few ideas for you to spread a little ‘happy’ through the mail this year.
- Participate in #52Letters project . The idea is to write one letter each week.
- Think of that person you are always meaning to call and send a postcard. It will make their day.
- Next time you are in a coffee shop pen a letter or card to your Grandmother or favorite Uncle.
- Stick a pen and paper in your purse or backpack so that whenever you find yourself killing time you can write a piece of happy mail.
- Try writing down three things you appreciate about someone and send it off.
- For a whole lot of happy mail, surprise that special someone with a happy mail Birthday.
- Mark you calendars for National Letter Writing Month in April.
Who will you send some happy mail to this year?
p.s. Should you want to send something my way, you know I’ll write you back.
There are two letter writing projects/events in February:
– lettermo.com
– incowrimo.org
Yes, I can’t wait for these either Monica.Thanks for the reminder and links. Must do a promo on fabulously busy letter writing month of February.
There is also International Correspondence Writing Month (@incowrimo on IG) that happens in February – 28 days of letter writing!
Love the sounds of this Emily, thanks for the tip. Must find out more 🙂
Pretty much awesome!
I thought so too 😉
Thanks so much for sharing Jean. Would love to send you one of my 52 letters. If interested, just email me your mailing address.