Thrill of the find
You just never know what will turn up when you go thrifting. A friend and I found ourselves with some extra time (read several hours) during our kids hockey tournament and what better thing to do than find the nearest thrift store.
Paper in the most unexpected places
It became clear to me that while my friend was a seasoned professional at thrifting, I could have made use of these handy thrifing tips before venturing out.
Do you want to know what’s funny? The best thing I found that day was how the folks at the friendly MCC Thrift shop wrap up the glass ware for safe keeping once it leaves their store.
Tissue paper gone vintage
I got quite excited to see old sewing patterns used as tissue paper! I know, call me crazy, but this was indeed the highlight.
Although these beauties wrapped up in the dress pattern are lovelies in their own right, they were not my purchases of the day.
It may surprise you to know that I picked up a bag of assorted papers (smile) for $2.00, but that is a story for another day.
What a great find! I go thrifting all the time. I never thought to look for something like this.
Hi there Jessica, Lovely of you to stop over for visit. I couldn’t believe my luck when I stumbled upon this idea in a thrift store – so clever! Love your post on love letters. would love to use feature your photos – just beautiful of those bundles of letters tied together. Let me know. Thanks for the follow on twitter too.
Very cool idea. My mother sewed many of my clothes as a child and I can still hear that pattern paper crinkling. A great use for something I would otherwise throw away. I often see old patterns at the goodwill or tag sales for pennies. I’ll have to pick some up soon.
Hi Jenny, It was one of those ideas that when you see it you think ‘how cool is that’ and then you think ‘why did no one think of this before?’ Hope you find some at the goodwill or maybe raid your mom’s sewing basket? 🙂
What a creative idea on how to use sewing patterns…. Those people at the shop must now sew….. I get so attached to the pattern that it is hard for me to just crumple them up… But those pattern pieces that got separated form their envelopes would be perfect for this…. !!!
Have a great hump-day!!!
“hugs” Crystelle
Crystelle Boutique
Hi Crystelle, Not being much of a sewer myself, you do bring up a very good point about not wanting to part with a pattern. I never thought of that.Perhaps the thrifting route is the way to go and get a pattern you would never dream of actually making/wearing. Lovely of you to stop in for a visit. Happy sewing.
I want to know about the paper you found!
I randomly go thrifting every now and then with limited success. Last time, I found the most awesome mug EVER. I don’t know why, but it just made me laugh (like, actually laugh out loud) every time I saw it. It was a true treasure, and I only paid $.50 for it. Then my brother used it one day and DROPPED IT!! Still angry!
Love the idea of patterns as tissue paper…I think my mom has a bunch of vintage patterns from the “old days” – I’ll have to ask, because this would be such a cute way to wrap a gift!
Thanks for linking up at Wordy Wednesday!
Hi Carrie, your story about your brother dropping your thrifting treasure is so funny….I mean not really…so sad actually! 🙂 The paper I found was in one of those bags you can’t really see through very well, but it was packed full of paper goodness. My favorite are these pieces of paper, not vellum, but close with amazing designs on them. I just have to figure how to use some of it, but don’t worry I will post about it. Stay tuned.