I had a tour of soulPAPER shop last week. The hardwood floors, the racks of beautiful paper and shelves with all sorts of stationery goodness left me swooning. And this was a virtual visit, imagine if I had actually been there in person!
Susan, owner of this delightful space, was the special guest on my weekly Virtual Letter Writing Social and in case you missed it, I wanted to showcase it here for you.

virtual tour like none other
Susan’s camera showed us around the shop. Everywhere she turned I saw things I liked. In fact, I asked her to go back to some spots more than once for a close up look at the stationery she carries. She was most gracious and let me ‘browse’ to my hearts content.

paper lovers dream
And this paper! Can you spot the sheet with the typewriters? I think I would use this to make envelopes or as Susan suggested, use these beautiful papers as a book cover or even frame it.

shop online or call directly for VIP service
I can’t tell you how long I’ve been looking for another air mail stationery pad of paper!! So excited to know soulPAPER has it.
soulPAPER is located in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, and is open by appointment only but I recommend that you either call directly 306.665.7685 or shop online. Susan is happy to give you a virtual tour as well and allow you to see all she has before you purchase.

watch the virtual letter writing socials
One day I hope to visit soulPAPER in person, post COVID. In the meantime I live vicariously through their Instagram page.
See anything you like?
Find all the Virtual Letter Writing Socials here or better yet, join us on any Wednesday evening at 7pm MST on Instagram live.
I was lucky enough to visit in person 2 years ago. It is a heavenly place 🙂
I’m so jealous, Lisa! One day I will get myself there. On the must-do list 😉
Oh man! When I saw the title of this post I was just sure you had jumped in the car and headed west! Soul Paper is definitely a drool-worthy shop. I wish I could visit in person too. Someday…… In the meantime, thanks to you and Soul Paper for the virtual tour.
Road trip?! So glad you loved the virtual tour as much as I did. xoxox