It is too easy to be thankful for all the good stuff.
You know what I mean. Most of us start with family, food, kids, throw in our health and friends and then move on to the turkey and cranberries.
What would happen if we flipped that list on it’s head?
Let’s think about events, things, people in the last 12 months that have happened or crossed your path that you would never have wanted to happen.
Now, consider being thankful for them.
Perhaps it has been a refining moment. A journey of growth and discovery through sadness or grief. Learning through the hurt, the disappointment, the loneliness.
As Jessica, of Vol.25, the artist behind this print says “be grateful for the next storm that comes your way.”
So, in this context, what are you thankful for?
You’re right…sometimes things happen and they become a learning experience!
yes, I find this to be true once you are out of the ‘fog’ it is easier to recognize. thanks for stopping in.